If your order has already been processed or shipped it may be too late to update your shipping address but we will do our best to get your request addressed in a timely manner. Orders are typically shipped in 1-2 business days from purchase unless otherwise stated. 

Please contact us with your order number from your email confirmation and your updated shipping address so we can get your order updated immediately. 

All Sales Are Final. 

We are unable to accept exchanges or returns.

If your order arrives damaged, incorrect, or incomplete you can email us at martinlawrence@wearsthetrend.com. Please provide evidence of the damage, incomplete, or incorrect item in your email and we will submit a refund for your order. We are not responsible for damages to merchandise once the item has been washed or worn.

Lost or missing packages for orders showing a delivered tracking status are not eligible for replacement or refunds. Once a package leaves the fulfillment facility with the carrier, delivery is beyond our control. Check with your neighbors and contact your local post office for a GPS location of where and when the package was dropped off.

Packing slips do not contain pricing information. Receipts will only be sent to the email address used to place the online order. 

First confirm the shipping address listed on your order confirmation email is complete and accurate. 

If your shipping address is correct please check for the following: 

• Look for a notice of attempted delivery.

• Look around the delivery area, mailbox, garage, side of house, etc. for your package.

• See if someone else (neighbors, family, roommate) accepted the delivery.

• Some packages travel through multiple carriers; check your mailbox or wherever else you receive mail.

• Ask your mail carrier if they recall the delivery.​

• Contact your local post office for a GPS location of where and when the package was dropped off. 

Typically packages will still deliver 1-2 days after showing a Delivered status. Please contact us if your package does not show up after 5 business days of showing a Delivered status.

Please refer to the size chart listed in the product description on the online store. 

You can only be certain that your order was completed if you received an order confirmation email with an order number

Order numbers are typically 4-6 numerical digits preceded by a store identifier and hashtag (ML#1001). 

Your order confirmation email is sent to the email address provided during checkout upon order completion. Please be sure your email is spelled correctly on your user account and check your spam or junk folder! 

If you still can’t find your order confirmation email please contact us with as many of the following details you can:

• First and Last Name

• Email Address

• Shipping address

• Store name and order contents